Day 62: Oriental to Ocracoke, NC

There is 16' to 25' of depth across most of Pamlico Sound except for a short 10' stretch on our track to Ocracoke. The channel is well marked with only one or two tricky spots.

Ocracoke is known for its fabulous Outer Banks beach. In some respects it reminds me of the Bahamas -low key, lots of restaurants, motels and gift shops, and lots of heat and humidity.

The harbor is round and is called Silver Lake. We tied up at the Anchorage Marina. The economy here is based on tourism, commercial and sport fishing.

Blackbeard (Edward Teach) was caught here in 1718 after two years of preying on commercial shipping along the east coast. In the battle he boarded a colonial sloop sent to capture him and was overcome by superior numbers. He was killed and beheaded.