Day 9: Mississauga to Brighton, ON

Underway at 12.30pm

Its been a great day.  Roland Schultz, a friend and recently retired Airline Pilot from Northwest Airlines and Editor at Large for Lake Ljoined me in this adventure of the Greatest Loop.

Our first leg began early this afternoon with a departure fom Port Credit, West of Toronto.

We arrived at the Murray Canal just short of Trenton Ontario at 6:20 PM. Approximately one hour and twenty minutes after the Bridge Keeper went home for the day.

Presently moorred starboard side to the wall -- 800 feet short of the Brighton Rd. Bridge awaiting first opening tomorrow morning, which we figure will not occur until 9:00 AM this time of year, as we are early for those transiting the Trent-Severn Waterway.

Will be bringing you daily updates as the journey unfolds thru the Sweet Water Sea and some of the oldest rock outcroppings and geogology of the earth; Georgian Bay and the  North Channel.

Everybuddy Sends Love! 
